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When business owners and employees need a space to collaborate, they may turn to coworking or private office spaces. Strive Workspaces provides quality private offices where businesses can enjoy meeting rooms, amenities, and more. Here is more information about the difference between coworking and private offices:

Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are shared buildings or rooms where several businesses can come and work. Because multiple individuals or businesses use the same space, there is less privacy. The communal environment may be an issue for individuals who struggle to focus when there are other people around. 

Coworking spaces are often more affordable than private spaces because multiple businesses are pitching in on the rental costs. They provide flexible hours and lease agreements so that businesses do not need to pay for time when they won’t use the building. They also provide a friendly community environment where employees and business owners can network and spend time with people who have different skill sets. 

Private Office Spaces

Private office spaces are a convenient option for business owners who want a dedicated space where they can come to work. This space is reserved for the individual and their employees, helping contribute to a professional, focused environment. They can customize the office according to their needs, including adjusting the layout of the desks and chairs, bringing in comfortable furniture, and hanging art on the walls.

Because a private space is a long-term rental, businesses can use the building as their professional mailing address. This provides an element of privacy for individuals who don’t want to use their home or another private address for their business mail. 

Benefits of the Strive Workspace Private Offices

Strive Workspaces offers comfortable private offices with spacious meeting rooms and useful amenities. Some of the amenities include beverages, community kitchens, receptionist services, and so much more. The buildings also offer high-speed internet connections to enhance productivity. Having a quiet environment with reliable access to the internet will allow businesses to take necessary phone calls and share large files via email. 

Another benefit of utilizing our office spaces is that business professionals can customize their rental packages based on their needs. If a business owner only requires an occasional space to meet with clients or employees, they can use our day pass. This provides a low-commitment solution with access to all the same amenities as a frequent renter. If freelancers or entrepreneurs want regular access to a private meeting space, they can take advantage of our business lounge packages. Our flexible membership options allow individuals in private rental spaces to visit at a time that works best for them. They have the flexibility to show up during business hours or at any time of day, depending on the package.

Rent Out Private Workspaces Today

Whether you are a small startup or an established business, enjoy the benefits of renting a flexible private space. Our offices provide flexible lease agreements and a professional mailing address. Reach out to the Strive Workspace team today to learn more about our spacious office rentals.

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