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Welcome to our Member Spotlight Series, where we shine a light on the unique and inspiring businesses operating out of our coworking communities. In this edition, we’re excited to introduce you to Sam Sokhansonj, a dedicated patent lawyer officing out of Flex at the Gild, whose mission is to safeguard the creativity and intellectual property of his clients. Sam’s expertise not only protects innovative ideas but also empowers inventors and creators to thrive in a competitive marketplace. Join us in learning more about Sam and the work he does for his clients!

1.Tell us a little bit about your business.

We are a boutique intellectual property law firm that generally provides patent, trademark, and copyright legal services for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and medium sized businesses.

I wanted to be able to provide individualized attention for my client’s matters and provide “Big Law” experience but at cost-effective rates.

I use to be a former contract Patent Examiner for the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) which gives me a unique perspective into how each potential invention could be examined by a Patent Examiner at the USPTO. This allows me to provide honest discussions with my clients on the probability of success in obtaining a patent on their invention. In addition, I hold degrees in mechanical, biomedical, and electrical engineering disciplines which further allow me to better understand my client’s ideas on a deeper level and draft high quality patent applications.

4.What is something you wish you’d known when you were just starting your business?

As a solo practitioner I’d wish I knew more about managing administrative work, such as scheduling, invoicing, etc.

I try to take a break from work on the weekends and focus on other side hobbies, such as writing music on the piano and guitar.

6.What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Obtaining an issued patent for my clients is always rewarding and very exciting for my clients.

7. How has being a part of the Flex at the Gild  community affected you and your business?

I like the flexibility (no pun intended) that Flex at the Gild provides its members, such as being able to easily schedule conferences rooms for client meetings. In addition, the staff has always been very accommodating to me and my clients when they come to visit my office.

Nick & Sam’s Steakhouse is a Dallas staple, so that would be on top of my list.

We would like to thank Sam for his willingness to paricipate in our member spotlight series, and for taking the time to share something new with all of us. If you are interested in taking part in this series, don’t hesitate to reach out to your community manager – we are always eager to learn more about your business and to help grow your resources!

Stay Tuned, This Page Is Coming Soon!