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Welcome to our Member Spotlight series, where we shine a light on the inspiring individuals and businesses who make our Strive community so unique. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Kristen Sillers and Roxanna Olvera Hall with Olvera Hall & Sillers PLLC, experts in estate planning and probate law who work out of Strive Preston Grove. Olvera Hall & Sillers PLLC ensures that legacies are preserved and families are protected. Join us in learning more about what makes their work so rewarding!

What lead you to starting Olvera Hall & Sillers, PLLC?

Roxanna has been practicing law since 2002, and Kristen has been practicing law since 2010. We began working together in 2012. After spending many years as friends and colleagues at different firms, we decided to come together to better serve our clients.

What sets your business apart from your competitors?

We strive to be responsive and compassionate to our clients while providing them with expert legal advice.

What is something you wish you’d known when you were just starting your business?

Roxanna wishes she had known how many small business owners there are out there and how supportive they are. Kristen wishes she had known how exciting and energizing owning your own business can be.

How do you navigate your work-life balance?

Roxanna tries to maintain boundaries with clients and pursue outside interests and hobbies. Kristen is also mindful of her schedule with clients and prioritizes daily activities with her children, such as picking them up from school and participating in school activities throughout the year.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

The most rewarding part of our job is helping our clients.

How has being a part of the Preston Grove community affected you and your business?

The Preston Grove community has given us such a warm welcome, and we feel all of the support for our business. We have already made several connections that we know will benefit our business and our clients in the future.

Any improvements we could do to help you or your business?

Keeping doing what you are doing, and thank you!

If you had a friend in town, and you could take them to one of your favorite restaurants or spots in your community, where would you take them to?

Roxanna would take them to Ojeda’s Restaurant for some good Tex-Mex food, Parlor’s Hand Crafted Ice Creams for dessert, and then for a walk at White Rock Lake. Kristen would take them to Northaven Gardens for lunch and plant shopping. If they had kids we would check out the Northaven Trail and some of the parks along the way.

To get in touch with Roxanna and Kristen, email or!

We would like to thank Roxanna and Kirsten for their willingness to participate in our member spotlight series. If you are interested in partaking in the series or learning more, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Community Manager. We are always eager to work with you and to help bring your networking goals to fruition!

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