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Welcome to our Member Spotlight Series, where we proudly showcase the unique individuals and businesses within our vibrant Strive Communities. Today we have the pleasure of speaking with Nicole Whetstone Sumpter, Founder of Cole Stone & Associates; an HR and management solutions firm operating out of Strive Ann Arbor. Join us as we learn more about how Nicole fosters strong client relationships and what drives her business forward!

Tell us a little about Cole Stone & Associates

Cole Stone & Associates is a firm dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions within the insurance, labor relations, and benefits space. Our mission is to create the perfect harmony by conveying a personal touch from our adept and proficient team. Founded in 2008, we strive to make a positive impact in everything we do, which makes us the ultimate builders of relationships with our clients.

What led you to start Cole Stone & Associates?

I was compelled or willed into working for myself to gain some type of satisfaction where I could be help understand insurance mainly. I saw an opportunity to offer personalized solutions that truly meet client needs even if it was not with my company.

What sets your business apart from your competitors?

Our approach emphasizes education. We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge about their options, so they can make informed decisions. Our responsive customer service team is always available in person  to answer questions and provide support, ensuring our clients feel valued and understood.

What is something you wish you’d known when you were just starting your business?

I underestimated the importance of networking and building relationships within my industry. Connecting with mentors and peers can provide invaluable insights and support that can make a significant difference in navigating the early stages of a business. Overall, these lessons have shaped my journey and helped me grow as a business owner!

How do you navigate your work-life balance?

I’ll admit that maintaining a work-life balance has been a challenge for me. I tend to push myself hard in the pursuit of success, often prioritizing work above personal life. While my drive and dedication have allowed me to  achieve a great deal,  I recognize the importance of incorporating more balance into my life. Moving forward, I aim to create more time for personal well-being while continuing to strive for professional growth.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Having the ability to be flexible in what I spend my time and focus on. But most importantly, being able to choose who I do business with.

How has being a part of the Strive Ann Arbor community affected you and your business?

Strive is my home, and I say that with all the good vibes that being home brings.  Its my safe haven for working in a space of creativity and comfort. Our events bring people in and make them want to be a part of the family.  It also provides a corporate feel with an entrepreneurial approach.  Since we went on, we still need to have that faux holiday party, but now we just call them mixers that we right off as business expenses at the end of the year

If you had a friend in town and you could take them to one of your favorite restaurants or spots in your community, where would you take them?

The Black Pearl of Ann Arbor.

We want to thank Nicole for her enthusiasm and willingness to participate in our Member Spotlight series. If you are interested in spotlighting your business with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your community manager—we are always eager to help elevate your business in any way we can!

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