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Virtual offices allow business partners in different locations to work together from a centralized location. Strive Workplaces offers virtual office services that help keep your business up and running. While working in a virtual office is rewarding, you want to make sure you use your time wisely. Here are a few ways to be productive in a virtual office setting:

Designate a Workspace

Find a corner or a room in your home and set up your workspace. Add photos and other items to help personalize it, and make sure you have a strong internet connection for your laptop or computer. With our virtual office services, individuals can take advantage of having a professional business address while still working from the comfort of their own space.

Our virtual office service also allows business owners and employees to benefit from call and mail handling, as well as Google location verification. Having a local phone number and a professional receptionist answering the calls can allow your business to showcase its professionalism even if you do not have an established commercial office building. The receptionist will answer questions and transfer calls if necessary, helping to facilitate better communication between employees and customers.

If you and your work-from-home employees need a space to temporarily meet and discuss business ideas, our virtual office spaces come with professional meeting rooms. Meeting at an employee’s home or casual setting may not be conducive to a productive meeting. Our meeting rooms allow for a focused environment to discuss issues and create solutions. They are accessible at any time during business hours with our standard virtual office package.

Make Goals

Making goals is another way to help improve productivity in virtual office spaces. Goals will help you decide what needs to be done for the day, week, or month. Look at tasks you need to get done immediately and prioritize those first. If there are jobs that will take longer than one day, add them to a list of weekly or monthly goals. This will help you decide which projects to work on first before moving to the next.

Take Short Breaks

Working nonstop makes concentrating on your work or business calls difficult. Take short breaks to get up, stretch, and refocus your mind so you can return refreshed to what you were working on. If needed, set an alarm for every hour so you know it’s time to find something else to do for a few minutes. Eating, going on a walk, or doing housework allow you to destress before getting back on task.

Create a Routine

When planning to work in a virtual office space, create a routine that you follow each day. This can simply be logging in and starting work at the same time each day. If you need more assistance getting started, you can further customize your routine. Find what works for you and do it every day until it becomes a habit.

Use Virtual Office Services for Your Company

When setting up a virtual office, create a space where you can work without distractions. Find ways to help you stay on task and maximize your time. Using virtual office services from Strive Workplaces helps with communications between partners and clients to streamline everyday business processes. Contact us today to learn how our services will help with all your virtual office needs. You can choose between our Address Package; Address and Call Management Package; or our Address, Call Management, and Business Lounge Package.

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