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Welcome to another Member Spotlight! Today, we’re sitting down with the co-founders of Shalehaven Partners, Graham Patterson and Nathan Meyers. With over 35 years of combined experience in the energy industry, these two have set out to revolutionize oil and gas investing by focusing on transparency, lower risk, and maximizing investor returns. Shalehaven Partners stands apart by prioritizing investor needs and crafting a unique approach to investing in domestic energy. Let’s dive into their story, learn about their journey, and discover what makes their business thrive.


Tell us a little about Shalehaven Partners. 

Shalehaven Partners manages a series of annual oil and gas funds for accredited investors seeking to (i) significantly reduce their taxable income, (ii) redirect funds otherwise due to the government in the form of taxes towards developing domestic energy, and (iii) establish long-term dividend streams or “mailbox money” for supplemental income, personal retirement, or beneficiary purposes.


What led you to start Shalehaven Partners?

We wanted to create an investment product that put the investors first and had achievable goals and projections. With  >35 years combined in the energy industry, we have seen what has worked (and more importantly, what has not).


What sets your business apart from your competitors?

While most oil and gas funds are really exploration funds (leasing acreage and drilling wells to increase value in hopes of an exit), we do not operate any oil and gas wells; rather, we invest alongside established operators in proven basins across the US.  This helps us keep expenses low and mitigates our asset risk through diversification.  Additionally, we are the only oil and gas fund we know about where our investors get their money back before the management team participates in profits.


What is something you wish you’d known when you were just starting your business?

We knew fundraising would be difficult, but educating potential investors is also very important.  I don’t think we realized that even oil and gas veterans do not know about the massive tax benefit of investing in a fund like ours.  We are working to get the word out about the tax benefits of investing with us and would be happy to go into detail with any member of the STRIVE community.


How do you navigate your work-life balance?

With a new business (even though we’ve been in the industry for decades), you always have to be “on call” and you never know when you’re going to have to get on a plane for a meeting.  Still, we both know when to take breaks and devote time to family, friends, and activities outside of work.  While we both work very hard, we also subscribe to the idea that not all “work” or time spent at the office is productive.  Everyone needs some time to recharge, which allows us to be more effective in our jobs.


What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Learning from other people.  Every meeting, every phone call, every Zoom/Teams conference call—we learn something new about what investors want, what investment professionals are looking for, what other industry players are doing…the list goes on.  Every bit of information helps us refine our business and helps us grow professionally.  Our goal is to launch >10 funds over 10 years, and we know that culminating this experience will leverage us for success for years to come.


How has being a part of the Preston Grove community affected you and your business?

Preston Grove has allowed us to get started immediately. We felt at home from the start. It will also allow us to scale as we grow. Preston Grove was the perfect choice for us.


If you had a friend in town and you could take them to one of your favorite restaurants or spots in your community, where would you take them to?

Nathan: My favorite spot is Jeng Chi in Richardson.  Great story about the owners, it’s been there a long time, and the food is always great.

Graham: Katy Trail Icehouse. Great food, people watching in a relaxed environment. Truly a unique Dallas gem!


If you’re interested in learning more about this innovative investment approach, the benefits of investing in domestic energy, or how Shalehaven Partners can help you reduce your taxable income while creating long-term financial benefits, make sure to visit their website or check out their current fund offering. Stay tuned for more member spotlights and get inspired by the unique stories within our community!

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