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Welcome to our Member Spotlight! This week, we are pleased to highlight Inteliks, operating out of Strive Preston Grove. Inteliks is a provider of comprehensive medical revenue solutions for doctors throughout the United States. Their innovative approach and dedication to improving healthcare financial management have made them a trusted partner for medical professionals nationwide.

Join us as we speak with Jesus Monroy, president at Inteliks, and delve into their journey and discover how they are making a significant impact in the industry.


Tell us a little about Inteliks.

At Inteliks, we specialize in delivering customized software development and cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions tailored to meet the unique business needs of medical and CPG companies. Our team of experienced developers and AI experts work closely with you to understand your challenges and create innovative, scalable, and efficient solutions that drive growth and efficiency.  In addition, our solutions provide comprehensive production and cost controls, enabling our customers to manage resources effectively, streamline processes, and minimize operational costs. Whether you need a custom application, advanced data analytics, or AI-powered automation, we are committed to transforming your ideas into reality with precision and excellence.


What led you to start Inteliks?

Originally founded to help small companies develop e-commerce and logistic solutions, such as e-commerce platforms, warehousing, distribution, and end-to-end delivery, we have expanded our expertise as the internet evolved. Today, we create mobile solutions, custom software, and artificial intelligence solutions for businesses of all sizes.


What sets your business apart from your competitors?

Our competitive advantage lies in our deep expertise and experience in both software development and AI, our commitment to understanding and addressing the unique challenges of each client, and our ability to deliver comprehensive, end-to-end solutions.


What is something you wish you’d known when you were just starting your business?

In a few words, it was how to promote and run a company in the USA. The learning curve was long and costly.


How do you navigate your work-life balance?

This has been the hardest for me, but I try to forget about work when I come back home.


What is the most rewarding part of your job?

When we launch a solution, track results, and then discover how our solutions benefit our customers.


If you had a friend in town, and you could take them to one of your favorite restaurants or spots in your community, where would you take them? 

I am a meat lover, and my favorite place is Al Biernat’s in Spring Valley, just a few minutes from the office. The Porterhouse and lamb chops are my favorites, although if you prefer fish, the seabass is an excellent choice!


We want to thank Jesus for his willingness to participate in this series and to tell us a little more about his business. If you are interested in spotlighting your business with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Community Manager to see how you can get involved!

Stay Tuned, This Page Is Coming Soon!